We help you buy andservice imaging equipment worldwide

Your complete source for sell and maintenance medical equipment

Give You Access To One Of The Nation’s Widest Selections Of Medical Equipment

We Offer A Variety Of Warranty Options

We Provide Medical Services That You Can Trust!

To ensure the comfort of our customers our products are selected at the highest quality of manufactures

parts PARTS

35,000+ parts in stock across all modalities


Browse 200+ used and refurbished systems


Maximize uptime and minimize frustration

What makes SPM different ?

  • Provide spare parts

    High-quality spare parts are supplied for all required medical devices to ensure customer comfort and prolong the use of the devices.

  • Large Inventory & Quality Products

    To ensure the comfort of our customers our products are selected at the highest quality of manufactures to provide the best performance for their medical devices and not to harm our valued customers and gain their trust in us.

  • Experience & Reliability

    Due to the importance of our customers' trust in us, their medical devices are maintained by professional students in medical device engineering with experience gained from several years of our work in this field.

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Get in touch

Head office

Ahmed Hassan AL Zaiat ST - Bldg 16 - G Floor - Nasr City - Cairo

Phone : + 201221888395

Email : karimfouad23@gmail.com